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Qingdao runtrust Yiyou Forging Machinery Co. Ltd. 英文版 中文版
潤昌益友二維碼 電話:17685785956
J58 series Electric screw press FP/MP series hot forging press J55 series clutch type screw press DD series direct drive electric screw press EPC series electric screw press J53/J54 series double disc friction press

     Qingdao runtrust Yiyou Forging Machinery Co. Ltd is the production of precision forging machine professional manufacturer, located in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay, adjacent to the green silver high-speed Jiaozhou export, convenient transportation.
The company covers an area of 21000 square meters, built a large machine processing workshop, has a large CNC machining center, CNC milling, boring machine, 6000 vertical lathe and other processing equipment, to ensure the machining accuracy of parts. Assembly workshop 75 tons crane to ensure the production and installation of large press.
    The leading products of the company include J58 series electric screw press, FP/MP series hot forging press, J53/54 series double disc friction press, J55 series clutch screw press, etc.. Run Chang company not only produces high quality precision forging machine, but also provides overall wiring scheme according to customer demand.
    Run Cheong precision forging machine, without your trust!



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